Thursday, March 12, 2009

At The Hospital

Well...we're at the hospital right now. Yep, they have wireless internet in the labor and delivery rooms. (Don't you just love technology)

Here is the skinny: We got here last night at 8pm, and got right into our room for Michelle's induction. It took until approximately 10pm for Michelle to be on an IV, ready to start some DRUGS!

Long story short, it is now 12:15pm the next day. Michelle is now dialted to about 4cm, 80% effaced, and getting an epideral in the next 30 minutes.

If we stick to the patterns from the past, Leah should be here before dinner time. (fingers crossed, no jinx!)

I'll try to get a post up with pictures after she's born, until then....have a nice afternoon.


Kim said...

YEAH!!! Post some pictures. Love you guys.

Casey * Haley * Avery * Owen said...

Kevin... you pulled through.. thanks so much for the update and give Michelle a big hug for me! We are all thinking about her today in Michigan. I just talked to Michelle and Amber and everyone is waiting to see that sweet baby girl!