Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Singing in the rain

Well I scored some major mommy points when the kids asked if they could go play in the rain and I actually said YES! I got some looks like "Are you sure mom you don't want to say no?" They had so much fun and were so cute.

The raincoats they are wearing are from when we were kids...Kate is wearing mine and Steve is wearing my brother Chris's ninja turtle coat.

Probably thinking ..."I still can't believe mom said yes."

Puddles, puddles, we love puddles!!

Just for the record...their clothes were soaking wet except for one small spot on their back.

It was so warm and there was no thunder or lightning, so Kev decided to take Leah out in the rain. She loved it is an understatement.

The water was dripping down her face and she kept trying to catch it with her pointy, long tongue.

She is such a funny girl, has so much personality. We all just adore her.

So cute!!


Anonymous said...

Leah! I'll be there in two weeks, my little sweet potato.

Janet Hardy said...

You know when they are your age this is what they'll remember!

Alexis Hebert said...

Kevin and Michelle - I love the pics of the kids playing in the rain .... so cute! And Leah is so adorable ... I can't wait to meet her! I will be in Detroit for a training in May, so I would LOVE to come see you! Love, Alexis